
Wikinger vs. Blogger

Gestern endet die Wikimania in Frankfurt.

Hier die interessante Zusammenfassung für Blogger von du Gardier/PR-Thoughts. Der feststellt, Blogger lebten doch eher in einer anderen Welt:

"Now that Wikimania is behind, I definitely believe that there is still a boundary between the blogosphere and the "wikisphere" and that those two worlds are not yeat ready to collaborate, they are even not ready to communicate. This kind of conference has nothing to compare in it's messages with a "blogging conference", the topics are definitely not the same or even parallele, more over of course, Wikipedia was always somewhere in the air...

The main words here were "sharing", "collaboration", it's certainly about content mainly and connections then, but not at all about participatory communication as it usually is the case as soon as you attend any "blogging conference". I am underlining this difference precisely because it was my first major conference in the wiki world, so I've been sensitive to it but this is certainly not a surprise for anyone used to the "wiki world".

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