
.. Lord save me ,) ...

.. eine wunderbare kleine Geschichte aus einer XING-Gruppe in der ich Mitglied bin ...

"There was a time that long time rain floated a city and the waters came higher and higher and it turns out to be a disaster. the old priest of the city climbed up on to the roof of the church, all time ong praying to God for help. he said" I was your servant all my life, I praid and helped the people around. I always have been good. Please save me." Evenn later a little boat floated by and the man shouted:"Come on in father, I save you." "no thank you, the Lord will save me." The waters came higher and he climbed just a little bit higher into the tower, praying the same words again. A motor boat came along and they shouted:"Father hop in we save you." "no thank you , the Lord will save me." And the water -----up and up until the priest finally sat on the top of tower. The marine came along and they also asked the priest for coming over into the ship. "No thank you but the Lord will save me." Than he sank into the waters and died. Angry he came infront of the Lord"Why, Lord did you let me die, I always served you and I asked you for help!!!" " Yes my dear priest, I heard that, "the Lord smiled at him,"and I sended you a little boat, a motor boat and even the Marine...........
So be aware and live in the moment because now is the only time that counts."

Ist das nicht wie im wirklichen Leben ;? - Allerdings mit kleinen Abwandlungen im Moment: .. Das was man für die große Rettung hin zu all seinen Zielen und Wünschen gehalten hatte, war definitiv ein hoffnungsloser Irrtum ... aber plötzlich sieht man dann wieder ganz ganz viele kleine Boote ... manche schon lange da, manche neu - wenn man den Blick nur genug dafür schärft ... vielleicht kennt das Prinzip ja der ein oder andere ,??

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